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Persian Bakhtiari Rug, Kheshti

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One of A Kind

Persian Bakhtiari Rug, Kheshti
Persian Bakhtiari Rug, Kheshti

One of A Kind

Details & Story Of This Carpet

Review By: Reza Derakhshesh (Persian Carpet Expert)

This Bakhtiari carpet has been knotted by the hands of professional knitter.  The pile is made out of natural wool, along with its wrap that is made out of natural cotton. The piles and warp and weft of this carpet have been knotted to each other very tightly. There is 160000-knot density per square meter that has been knotted in this excellent Persian carpet.
This carpet is available in the 143-centimeter length and 107 centimeters wide. In this carpet, you can see a brilliant combination of blue, red and white colors all in perfect harmony. The pattern of this carpet involves twelve separate square with three different patterns. Each pattern is a design of nature. This carpet would be a nice choice for modern style houses and it matches modern furnishes very well.
No allergenic
Natural color
Made of best quality natural materials like wool and cotton
Unique design
This Persian carpet also known as Bakhtiar rug or Bakhtiari carpet in Kheshti design is for sale in our online store.
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