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Persian Moud Rug ~1989, Geometric Design

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Carpet Specifications

Additional information




Genuine Persian

Size (centimetre)

304cm x 211cm

Size (feet,inch)

9' 11.69" x 6' 11.07"



Rug Type

Carpet Type


Mahi Design


Mud Carpet





Woven On (approximately)


One of A Kind

Persian Moud Rug ~1989, Geometric Design
Persian Moud Rug ~1989, Geometric Design

One of A Kind

Details & Story Of This Carpet

Review By: Reza Derakhshesh (Persian Carpet Expert)

Lord Curzon writes: The main center of carpet is in Ghaen and moud Birjand districts which has fine textured carpets and is sold at a high price. the dyes on these carpets are excellent and the weaving was done skillfully and had beauty and elegance that were considered as the best type of carpets.
Please have a look. The blue color indicates complete calm also has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It lowers blood pressure, pulse and activating self-defense mechanisms to rejuvenate the human body adapts to relaxation and rejuvenation so that the need for this color increases during illness and fatigue.
Blue is a spiritual color meanwhile all shades of blue are in perfect harmony with cream and together on these carpets create a modern and beautiful atmosphere. This design has always been welcomed in the world carpet markets.
This Mood rug (also known as Moud) is an elegant 30 years old rug that has cotton warp and weft and a woolen pile. Also, This beautiful 2×3 rug is woven in 304-cm by 211-cm dimensions. There are More than 250.000 knots on each square meter of this super high-density rug which makes it very strong and valuable. Besides, the wool used in this rug is quite soft and the texture is dense and thin. The background color is ivory with bright blue at the borders. The pattern beautifully consists of small blue and red flowers.
This carpet has a pair (DR-366) with approximately the same size and design. Buy both to have a unique pair of handmade Mood rugs.
Specialized Washing and Repairing before to Export for customer:
1- First of all, this Persian carpet had specialized washing and removed its impurities completely.
2-Service <Repair> will increase the life of this Vintage Mood  Persian rug and restore its beauty and refurbishing the hand made Persian carpet, it is revived and its minor defects is eliminated, to perform these metals so that you have full.
3-Before Packing and Export Final checking without any damage, it looks like Healthy.
No allergenic
Natural color
Made of high-quality natural materials
Unique design
High-Density Hand-knotted MOOD Carpet for sale DR389. high-density Mood Rug. Red Mood carpet, Red Mood rugs for sale online in Carpetship online store with high-quality hand-knotted rug.
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